Sunday, May 31, 2009


About eleven hours from now. We will be walking into a classroom for a typical lecture.
Typical, yet noteworthy this lecture will be.

This lecture marks the LAST lecture of our undergraduate life. For the last time, we shall walk into the room, take our seats, await the arrival of the lecturer, and try to stay alert for a 120 minutes of scientific terms and speeches. And then an end.

An end to a chapter in the life of each and every one of us. No longer will there be another lecture to attend, a mid-term test to worry about, a lecture hall to sleep in, and endless chatters to start with while a lecturer is conducting her oh-so-melodious lecture at the other end of the hall. Never again, as an undergraduate student in biochemistry course.

Time Flies. This phrase fits the description for this semester almost to that of a perfection. All these weeks of lectures and practicals do seem to happen in the blink of an eye. A barrage of school works abbreviated these fourteen weeks more than ever, and time has, as always, never been enough.

We attended classes, for the sake of ourselves and that to meet the others. We skipped classes, knowing that there will be no more classes for us to skip very soon. We had after classes activities, more than we ever had. I think deep down we all know, that very soon, we might not see these faces smiling and hear these voices calling. Ever again.

Three years. Six semesters. Scores of lecturers. And countless classes. On a sunny morning, a flock of students streamed onto a field in their university compound, and took a photo. Who can tell, when the photo turns old and brown, if everyone can recall, of the days, of the joys, of the sorrows, of the classes and of the people that were met?

"The wind brought the leaves onto the field; and the wind shall bore them away"
Source: Lim Han Wee
This guy have make most of our gals and some of our guys cry like hell. but is reli touching that he write out this note. Start from the beginning, i didnt know that he was those guys that used his own view n feeling in writing down the important sentiments. (用自己的点滴写下生命中重要的感情). i oni know that he like to express himself by drawing. Until nw, i still hardly believe that he was this kind of guy. haha.

在你左右 還有多久
怎麼樣才能讓時間倒流 每一分每一秒都珍重
握緊的手 不願放鬆 十點半的飛機它在等候
不要再讓自己的眼淚流 我必須要走 要記得
我們的故事真難忘 太多的回憶和希望
不管它有多瘋狂 我願意一生收藏
我們的故事不能忘 太多的情節要發展
不要放棄 因為有一天緣份继续
我知道你寂寞 一個人確實好難過
思念是一種痛 沒有你叫我怎麼活
身邊充滿誘惑 不堅定就容易犯錯
你是否能看見未來的收穫 你願意在耐心等候
我們的故事真難忘 太多的回憶和希望
不管它有多瘋狂 我願意一生收藏
我們的故事不能忘 太多的情節要發展
不要放棄 因為有一天緣份继续

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